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Ministy of Helps

When you declare that you are going to accept an area of responsibility in the church, everything else must revolve around that Decision.  

- Pastor Travis Newkirk 

I Corinthians 14:40 “...Let all things be done properly and in an orderly


The Ministry of Helps sustains, provides and allows the ministry and vision

God has given your Pastor to proceed in a proper and orderly manner.

Children's Ministry

The Children’s Ministry team provides leadership and weekly oversight to a group of

small children (ages 1-5), working to build a solid foundation in each child for a life of

spiritual foundation. Ability to communicate well with children, compassionate, diligent,

and committed to excellence.

Coordinator: First Lady, Anselita Newkirk


Youth Ministry

The Youth Ministry team provides leadership and teaches biblical principles to a group

(ages 12-18) that provides a foundation for sound Biblical doctrine. We endeavor to

engage and encourage our young people to learn more about their faith and take an active

approach in their spiritual growth. Ability to communicate well with youth,

compassionate, diligent, and committed to excellence.

Coordinator: Mercedes Bell


Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry promotes and provides a loving atmosphere to all visitors and

members of Centrifuge Church.

Coordinator: Minister Caroline Hicks



Areas of Service

  • Hospitality Table Attendant – Disperse gifts to first time visitors

  • Announcer – Welcome, presents church announcements, reminders, and updates.

  • Members Care – Prepares and delivers and/or mails cards (i.e. thank you, sympathy, get well soon, congratulations).

  • Arrange for meals for church families when needed (birth of baby, baby shower, death of loved one, health crisis).

Praise Team

The Praise Team desires to worship and glorify God. You must have a commitment to the

overall ministry at Centrifuge Church. It involves the giving of your talent, time and

God’s calling. You must have a willingness to adopt a servant’s attitude in leading

congregational worship.

Coordinator: Mia G. Bolden



Audio/Visual Ministry

The Audio & Visual Ministry is responsible for the setup, maintenance, and coordination

of the church’s audio and visual technology used during worship services. The ministry

will provide a consistent worship experience free from distractions or interference to

ensure that God’s Word and our praise to Him is seen and heard.

Coordinator: India Garvin



Audio/Visual Ministry

The Audio & Visual Ministry is responsible for the setup, maintenance, and coordination

of the church’s audio and visual technology used during worship services. The ministry

will provide a consistent worship experience free from distractions or interference to

ensure that God’s Word and our praise to Him is seen and heard.

Coordinator: India Garvin



Pastor’s Care Ministry

The Pastor’s Care Ministry provides service to the Pastor and his family, ensuring that he

is equipped, prepared, and able to fulfill his responsibilities in leading the congregation.

The ministry will provide support in the form of prayer, encouragement, and any other

actions that show their love and gratitude to the pastoral family. The Pastoral Care team

must be prepared to care for the pastors belongings, anticipating the pastor’s needs and

demands so as to properly furnish and supply what is needed. They will also plan for and

assist visiting ministry gifts by ensuring their needs are met before/during/after worship


Coordinator: Minister Carolyn Hicks


Missions/Outreach Ministry

The Missions/Outreach Ministry is committed to ministering to our community and the

surrounding areas to those outside the church walls with the message of Jesus Christ. It is

our heart to feed people both physically and spiritually.

Coordinator: Vernita Stevens


Audio/Visual Ministry

The Audio & Visual Ministry is responsible for the setup, maintenance, and coordination

of the church’s audio and visual technology used during worship services. The ministry

will provide a consistent worship experience free from distractions or interference to

ensure that God’s Word and our praise to Him is seen and heard.

Coordinator: India Garvin



Social Media

The Social Media Coordinator manages the overall digital strategy and online presence of

the ministry. They produce relevant, engaging, and timely social media content on all

ministry platforms.

Coordinator: India Garvin


Facilities Manager

The Facilities manager is responsible for the security, maintenance, and services of the

church facility to ensure that they meet the anticipated needs of the Pastor, visitors, and


Coordinator: Jontavious Thompson


Cafe' Ministry

The Kitchen Team is responsible for connecting the ministry and providing excellence

through hospitality and fellowship. This team may prepare and serve refreshments or

meals for the church.

Coordinator: Shanika Thompson



The Usher(s) responsibility is to make people feel welcome at church, assisting the

Pastors and teachers with people management, assisting with seating, collecting offering,

and maintaining a safe environment.

Coordinator: Hazel Ottley


Audio/Visual Ministry

The Audio & Visual Ministry is responsible for the setup, maintenance, and coordination

of the church’s audio and visual technology used during worship services. The ministry

will provide a consistent worship experience free from distractions or interference to

ensure that God’s Word and our praise to Him is seen and heard.

Coordinator: India Garvin



Ministry Functions Include

 Develop a digital presence strategy for the church

Promote and tell the story of Centrifuge Church on social media

Responsible for content and editing of all communications on social media

Promote church related events and opportunities

Cleaning Attendant – Cleans church in preparation for service and maintains adequate disposable supplies to meet anticipated needs of visitors and members.

Recording audio and video during regular church services


Broadcasting video and other designated areas and internet

I Corinthians 14:40 “...Let all things be done properly and in an orderly manner.” The Ministry of Helps sustains, provides and allows the ministry and vision God has given your Pastor to proceed in a proper and orderly manner.

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